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Once a vulnerability is detected, nucke will create an automatic markdown report for the issue (if the option -out is specified).

However, this report is 100% customizable. If you want to create your own report template to be used by a specific plugin, you can follow the steps below.

Creating a report template

To create a report template, you can simply create a new file in the same directory as the plugin, named and add any information there.

The report template support dynamic variables. A sample of a report template is shown below:

## Issue Details

- **Scan Name**: {{.scanName}}
- **Severity**: {{.severity}}
- **Vulnerable Endpoint**: {{.url}}
- **Injection Point**: {{.param}}

## Proof of Concept

The payload below was used on **{{.param}}** to trigger the vulnerability:
` + "```" + `
` + "```" + `

### HTTP Request
` + "```http" + `
` + "```" + `

` + "```http" + `

Custom variables

Variable Description
{{.scanName}} Return the name of the plugin
{{.severity}} Severity for the vulnerability
{{.url}} Vulnerable URL found
{{.payload}} Payload used to trigger the vuln
{{.param}} Affected parameter / Injection point
{{.request}} Raw Request
{{.response}} Raw Response