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To make the creation of a plugin easy, our team developed the Fuzzers library. This library provides some functions that will allow you to create a plugin with a few lines of code.

The idea of Fuzzers is to provide functions that receive a request and inject the payload on each parameter of the request and, based on the matchers specified, it will return if a vulnerability was identified or not.


Don't be restricted just to fuzzers library. They are pretty helpful, but don't forget: you can create your own fuzzers from zero, and this is the power of nucke!


import ""
import ""

Example Usage

Below is an example code of the usage of fuzzers:

Fuzzers Arguments Expected
Parameter Type Description
r *http.Request Request received by Run() func
client *http.Client Client received by Run() func
payloads []string List of payloads to inject in the parameters
matcher []string Match rule used to identify the vulnerable behavior
Fuzzers Returns
Parameter Type Description
found bool Boolean value. If true, the vulnerability was detected
url string Vulnerable endpoint
payload string Payload that matched the rule
param string Vulnerable parameter injected
rawReq string Raw Request
rawResp string Raw/Full Response
logsScan []detections.Result If the scan doesn't return success, it will return an array containing all tests executed

The logsScan array contains the following properties:

- Found
- Payload
- Param
- RawReq
- RawResp
- ResBody
// Set payloads and match rule
payloads := []string{"'", "1 OR 1=1"}

matcher := detections.Matcher{
    Body: &detections.BodyMatcher{
        RegexList: []string{"SQL Syntax"},

// Using fuzzer
found, url, payload, param, rawReq, rawResp, logsScan := fuzzers.Fuzz<TYPE>(r, client, pluginDir, payloads, matcher)


If you want to learn how to use matchers, access the Detections guide


Fuzzing Queries

payloads := []string{"'", "1 OR 1=1"}
found, url, payload, param, rawReq, rawResp, logsScan := fuzzers.FuzzQuery(r, client, pluginDir, payloads, matcher)

Fuzzing FormData

payloads := []string{"'", "1 OR 1=1"}
found, url, payload, param, rawReq, rawResp, logsScan := fuzzers.FuzzFormData(r, client, pluginDir, payloads, matcher)

Fuzzing JSON

payloads := []string{"'", "1 OR 1=1"}
found, url, payload, param, rawReq, rawResp, logsScan := fuzzers.FuzzJSON(r, client, pluginDir, payloads, matcher)

Fuzzing XML

payloads := []string{"'", "1 OR 1=1"}
found, url, payload, param, rawReq, rawResp, logsScan := fuzzers.FuzzXML(r, client, pluginDir, payloads, matcher)

All fuzzers at once

payloads := []string{"'", "1 OR 1=1"}
found, url, payload, param, rawReq, rawResp, logsScan := fuzzers.FuzzAll(r, client, pluginDir, payloads, matcher)

Special Fuzzers

Fuzzing Headers

payloads := []string{"'", "1 OR 1=1"}
headers := []string{"User-Agent","Referer"}
found, url, payload, param, rawReq, rawResp, logsScan := fuzzers.FuzzHeaders(r, client, pluginDir, payloads, headers, matcher, "all")

The last argument can be "all" or "". If "all", the payload will be added to all headers at once and sent in a single request.

Fuzzing Path

payloads := []string{"'", "1 OR 1=1"}
found, url, payload, param, rawReq, rawResp, logsScan := fuzzers.FuzzPath(r, client, pluginDir, payloads, matcher, "last")

The last argument can be "last" or "*". If last, only the last path will be fuzzed, else all paths will be fuzzed.

Built-in parameters

You can add some special values to your payload and nucke will replace them automatically:

  • {{.oob}}: replace with oob interaction url (used during the OOB matcher)
  • {{.original}}: replace with original value of the parameter


payloads := []string{
    "{{.original}}' -- -",
Add custom parameters

You can also add custom parameters to the fuzzers and specify its value using the "-p" option:


nucke -p "replaceme=test@123"