Usage - Full usage message
Practical Usage with examples commands
# Start a simple proxy server
# Load configuration file for plugin scan
nucke -config config.yaml
# List plugins
nucke -config config.yaml -list-plugins
# Send to another proxy the plugin scan requests
nucke -config config.yaml -proxy ""
# Scan with plugins and save output directory
nucke -config config.yaml -out report
# Set threads to scan (concurrency of urls to be scanned)
nucke -config config.yaml -threads 50
# Start proxy server and redirect requests to jaeles API
nucke -jc -jc-api "http://jaeles-server:5000"
# Export CA certificate to install locally/in browser
nucke -export-ca
# Return debug error messages and requests received
nucke -config config.yaml -debug
# Add custom headers
nucke -headers "User-Agent: example" -headers "X-Forwarded-For:"
# Start "status" server to get scan information (http://localhost:8899)
nucke -config config.yaml -stats