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Error Handling

For every error that you want to return, just return if the Debug option is enabled:

import (

if globals.Debug {
    // Print error
    Red := color.New(color.FgRed, color.Bold).SprintFunc()
    fmt.Printf("[%s] Error message here\n", Red("ERR"))

    // Print Debug
    Blue := color.New(color.FgBlue, color.Bold).SprintFunc()
    fmt.Printf("[%s] Debug message here\n", Blue("DEBUG"))

Profiler Debug Server

If you start nucke with the -stats option, the profiler debug endpoint will be also available on http://localhost:8899/debug/pprof/

You can analyze:

  • The /debug/pprof/heap to get information about memory alocation
  • The /debug/pprof/goroutine to get information about go routines running

Request delay

Every time you make a manual request, be sure to add the following line before the request, to make the delay between requests work properly:

time.Sleep(time.Duration(globals.Delay) * time.Millisecond)